Tu Portal Musical

Katy Perry

Canciones en Top 50
Top 50 Music Awards
2016Best Ballad SongRiseNominada
2016Best American SongRiseNominada
2015Best TourThe Prismatic World TourNominada
2014Best SongDark HorseNominada
2014Best AlbumPrismGanadora
2014Best VideoDark HorseGanadora
2014Best Female ActKaty PerryNominada
2014Best Pop ActKaty PerryNominada
2014Best Ballad SongUnconditionallyGanadora
2014Best American ActKaty PerryNominada
2014Biggest FansKatyCatsNominados
2013Best SongRoarNominada
2013Best VideoRoarNominada
2013Best Pop ActKaty PerryNominada
2013Best Pop SongRoarNominada
2013Biggest FansKatyCatsNominados
2012Best SongPart of MeNominada
2012Best VideoWide AwakeNominada
2012Best Female ActKaty PerryNominada
2012Best Pop ActKaty PerryGanadora
2012Best Pop SongPart of MeNominada
2012Best Ballad SongThe One That Got AwayGanadora
2011Best SongFireworkNominada
2011Best AlbumTeenage DreamNominada
2011Best VideoLast Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)Ganadora
2011Best Female ActKaty PerryNominada
2011Best Pop ActKaty PerryNominada
2011Best Pop SongLast Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)Nominada
2011Best Summer SongLast Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)Nominada
2011Best Top 50 100% ActKaty PerryNominada
2011Consecration of the YearKaty PerryGanadora
2010Best SongCalifornia GurlsNominada
2010Best Female ActKaty PerryGanadora
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